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About Us

our Story

We Give The Best Quality Honey From Our Farm

Welcome to Sunnie’s Bees! Created entirely by one woman, Angela Wilbanks and her bees are located in Hoschton, Ga. and the surrounding areas. In just a few years, Angela grew one dream and two little beehives into a collection of four thriving apiaries.


The idea for Sunnie’s Bees all began in June of 2018 when Angela went to visit her older brother. She had goosebumps walking up to his beehives, but it wasn’t fear she was feeling. Angela was buzzing with excitement. The sound, the smell, the challenge of it all. She was completely enthralled with the little creatures. And so, the journey began.

After a bit of planning and preparation, Angela got her first hives in April 2021. She kept them in her backyard and constantly tended to “her girls.” In three months, her colonies had expanded so much that she had to move hives to her parent’s backyard too. Angela faced many struggles that first year; occasionally setting her smoker on fire, making sure “the girls” stayed warm, varroa mites, dearth, ect. Each obstacle was overcome however, and by the next summer Sunnie’s Bees exploded in a way Angela could never have anticipated.

With about 45 beehives spread across three counties, 2022 was certainly a big year for Sunnie’s Bees. On top of harvesting 500lbs of honey, Sunnie’s Bee’s also won 1st place in two light honey competitions and 2nd place in a wax block competition. They consistently attend festivals with a variety of products. Angela also travels to elementary and middle schools to teach young kids the importance of pollinators and bee preservation. One little boy even recognized her in the grocery store as, “Ms. Angela the beekeeper lady.” Angela is the official beekeeper of the Duluth Public Library’s observational beehive, the Vice President of one of her beekeeping clubs, and a mentor to three budding beekeepers. Sunnie’s Bees also offers bee removal/relocation services for homes and neighborhoods. For Angela it’s all about protecting the bees, saving the environment, and sharing the joy.

The beekeeping community has been such a support in Angela’s journey. Specifically Bob Binnie of The Blue Ridge Honey Company. He and fellow beekeepers always made Angela feel welcome. The beekeeping community is all about helping each other to succeed and that’s what Angela has woven into the heart of Sunnie’s Bees. There have been very rewarding moments along this journey but we believe the best is yet to come.

The dream for the next couple of years is to grow Sunnie’s bees into a traveling pollination service. Angela hopes to one day travel along the east coast with “her girls” helping the planet and educating people on bees. To quote Angela herself, “nothing in my life has fallen into place the way beekeeping has. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do this work.”


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Experience The Best Honey Ever Made